Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How are people really feeling today?

I recently learned of a study showing how happy people are nowadays. The study started around 1972 and has continued until present day with over 50,000 participants. Every year people would be asked how happy they are and how they would really rate their lives. The study showed that since 1972 women have become much unhappier than men. Now at first I didn’t really understand this. There are lots of women that are beautiful, independent, opinionated people and have lots going for them. I was listening to a local radio station having a debate on the matter. They were debating if a woman having more options and responsibilities now than they did years ago is starting to overwhelm them. Forty or fifty years ago most women worked at home with the kids while husbands went off to work. Back then most women either choose a family life or a career life. It was you either are a stay at home mom or a teacher or nurse. Nowadays we see many women in the working world of all kinds of occupations that also take care of their children. There’s also the fact that in most homes moms usually are the ones that clean up around the house and cook even after working eight hours. Maybe the reason women are becoming unhappy is that they have no time to themselves. I know a lot of women that don’t want to stop something until they are completely finished with it. On the flip sides guys usually make time right in the middle of doing a job like cutting the grass. Perhaps it’s time that more women try to get away a bit or just chill out. I think the fact that women are part of the working world now they think that they have to do much more than they really have to. No one should ever feel like they have to work harder because of their gender, race, sexual orientation, religion and so on. So my suggestion to any woman, man, hermaphrodite, or even a transsexual with stress or unhappiness just get some time for you.

I hope to get lots or readers, comments, and subscribers and be sure to tell more people about my blog!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Care first and now Education

Just recently I found out that President Obama is now trying to also reform education. When I first heard of this I thought finally. Schools would have better trained teachers more equipment and computers to help students interact more and have fun learning. As I read more and listened to the news I was very outraged about what would be really happening. Obama plans to not only lengthen our school days but also shorten the amount of time we have out of school. Most students go to school for about eight hours a day. This means that already the students in America attend school for a longer period than most government workers. If this is the case why in the world would we want to add more time? Obama’s plan claims that it’s aiming to smarten American kids with longer school days and shorter summer vacations. How is extending school days and shorting summer breaks fixing anything? It doesn’t, people don’t fail because they didn’t have enough time, people fail because they don’t prepare and have no motivation. I mean I don’t see companies and businesses extending working hours to make their products or services any better. The real problem with education is that it’s simply not engaging enough for everyone. I see it at my school; the teachers that let their classes do more are the most successful classes and fun. I mean think about it why do people even work in the first place? People work to receive their money and checks of course. Students don’t get paid to go to school. We are expected to “want” to go to school learn and just be happy about that. I hate to break to some people in the world but that’s not enough for everyone. How can you expect anyone to do something if their is no motivation? Why do you think people walk in marathons for breast cancer? To help raise money to find a cure and save love ones. Obama claims that we are falling behind countries like China and Japan in math and science but last time I checked people in America are Americans. Even if we are falling behind it’s not student’s faults. Unless the government can make teaching more interactive for the youths of America it’s not going to make anything better.

I’m not trying to put Obama down or be a Obama hater. I believe because I give everyone the shadow of the doubt that he’s trying to make things better. I just he’s going about all in the wrong way and he’s just putting his ideas out there. We are a country and that means we are like a team. If a team leader makes decisions that the team doesn’t like their not going to go along with it.

I would really like to here other people opinions about this topic.

Third post!!! I like this one it’s much more serious but it’s a big problem still. I know I don’t want to have tom go to school for like eleven hours and have homework. That is just way too much pressure for this A student hahahaha.

Read more:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lady Gaga and Kanye West?

Lady Gaga and Kanye West will start the “Fame Kills’ tour in December. Ticketmaster’s prices will range from $39.50 to $129.50. Is this a match made in heaven showing off to huge international stars making stunning inventive music? Or will it be a sort of hellish pairing only to bring about tragedy and disappointment? Either way there are now thousands of people already waiting for their chances to buy tickets which will be on sale starting Saturday. I have been looking over as much information as I could for the tour. I personally love Lady Gaga!!! I love that fact that she’s willing to do what she wants and doesn’t care if some people don’t like it. Lady Gaga is an ingenious artist that gives the world a breath of fresh air with her Spontaneous nature . Whenever people say that she’s some crazy girl dying at the VMA’S it drives me nutts. If you can’t even take the time to understand the song how can you say It's stupid? You can’t; and if you do past judgment on something you know nothing about that just shows you being an ignorant person. Then we have Kayne West. I will admit like I like his music. I think he is another young talented artist. But in my opinion he acts so stupid. I mean the Taylor Swift bashing aside Kanye can’t act the way he does. I mean I understand that his mother died and I completely feel for him but that’s no excuse. Its one thing to mess around with someone when it’s “funny” to everyone but to just put people down is so wrong. I am very excited however to see how these two stars do working together. I understand how some people are mad at Kanye right now but I don’t think that Lady Gaga should suffer for it. So go out and have fun with your friends and family and boo Kanye if you want to.

I’m really happy to have my 2nd post up today. I really hope to get comments from anyone and have them put their opinions down on this post and tell me how they feel about it. I’ll be doing some more research and bring you guys more news and gossip and put as many as I can in a day up!!! Really hope everyone enjoys and tells me if I’m doing well or what I can do to make my blog better!!! ^_^

Georgia Flooding

I was barely able to make it to school today because of all the mudslides covering some of the roads. It’s absolutely incredible how much damage happened in what seemed like one night. Schools are opening again today but nobody is really here. Everyone is forced to use back roads that are filled to the brim with cars trying to get which way. I am so thankful and happy that my house did not get flood water all over it. We only got some water in our basement but not much. I’m also really happy to see that the government didn’t just abandon yet another state like with the Katrina incident. Joe Biden coming made a lot of people feel better about being able to get help with their destroyed homes. It’s kind of funny in a sad way how no one ever thinks to buy flood insurance yet it’s needed by thousands of home owners. Estimated repairs are going to be some saying over 500,000 million dollars and over 20,000 properties have been destroyed. Well this is my very first post so I will have more up as soon as possible I plan on getting in to more news and gossip and my opinions about some of them. I really hope to get a lot of readers and get a great blog started thanks again to any and all of my readers.