Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Care first and now Education

Just recently I found out that President Obama is now trying to also reform education. When I first heard of this I thought finally. Schools would have better trained teachers more equipment and computers to help students interact more and have fun learning. As I read more and listened to the news I was very outraged about what would be really happening. Obama plans to not only lengthen our school days but also shorten the amount of time we have out of school. Most students go to school for about eight hours a day. This means that already the students in America attend school for a longer period than most government workers. If this is the case why in the world would we want to add more time? Obama’s plan claims that it’s aiming to smarten American kids with longer school days and shorter summer vacations. How is extending school days and shorting summer breaks fixing anything? It doesn’t, people don’t fail because they didn’t have enough time, people fail because they don’t prepare and have no motivation. I mean I don’t see companies and businesses extending working hours to make their products or services any better. The real problem with education is that it’s simply not engaging enough for everyone. I see it at my school; the teachers that let their classes do more are the most successful classes and fun. I mean think about it why do people even work in the first place? People work to receive their money and checks of course. Students don’t get paid to go to school. We are expected to “want” to go to school learn and just be happy about that. I hate to break to some people in the world but that’s not enough for everyone. How can you expect anyone to do something if their is no motivation? Why do you think people walk in marathons for breast cancer? To help raise money to find a cure and save love ones. Obama claims that we are falling behind countries like China and Japan in math and science but last time I checked people in America are Americans. Even if we are falling behind it’s not student’s faults. Unless the government can make teaching more interactive for the youths of America it’s not going to make anything better.

I’m not trying to put Obama down or be a Obama hater. I believe because I give everyone the shadow of the doubt that he’s trying to make things better. I just he’s going about all in the wrong way and he’s just putting his ideas out there. We are a country and that means we are like a team. If a team leader makes decisions that the team doesn’t like their not going to go along with it.

I would really like to here other people opinions about this topic.

Third post!!! I like this one it’s much more serious but it’s a big problem still. I know I don’t want to have tom go to school for like eleven hours and have homework. That is just way too much pressure for this A student hahahaha.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/2009/09/29/2009-09-29_obama_plan_to_lengthen_kids_school_days_shorten_summer_vacation_could_stress_the.html#ixzz0SXwPAMyJ

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