Wednesday, October 28, 2009

School Fights

I was so shocked today. This was day was like being inside a circus. The Wednesdays of weeks past my mind like flashing lights. The middle of the week and two days from the weekend Wednesday is usually just there. My day was preceding pretty normal till I reached my second period. I walked into my math class not really looking forward to ninety boorish minutes of triangles. I was on my way to the bathroom when one of my classmates and another girl walked in the class. I thought nothing of the pair till I quickly heard basically yelling. I looked to see a teacher in-between the girls telling our classes intruder to leave. The girl then went a punched my classmate in the face. I was in a total state of shock. I mean I have seen plenty of fights at my school since freshmen year which is not a long span of time. My classmate trying to protect herself tried to hit the girl back but really to no avail. The girl was punching her all in the face viciously. My own teacher was screaming and ran over to the altercation. I turned my head for a second to look at the door for help only to see a mob of students and teachers outside. I looked back at the fight to see the girl smashing my classmate into desk and almost in to the floor. The other teacher and my own tried to pull the girls apart. The other teacher was hit and my own teacher hurt her back in the process. Another teacher pushed their way into the room to help while another just stood in the doorway doing absolutely nothing. My teacher was holding my classmate as she cried and then fell on the floor. It was almost like a being attacked by the paparazzi as we tried to close our door. The principal soon came and the girls were taken with other teachers. In minutes the police, ambulances, and fire trucks were at the school. From my class you can see out the window and watched as the cars finally left. After all my classmates had gotten into class it’s all we could talk about. Then we were all shocked to learn that my classmate that was beaten was PREGANT. It was all people were talking about the whole day.

This is a kind of sad story to me it was so wild. Sorry that I haven’t put post up in a while I’ve been very busy, but I’ll be sure to put more up in no time thanks for reading and love comments!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today I had to take the pre SAT in school. I wasn't really shocked when it took three plus hours. I was shocked that the math section was easier than the reading. I feel confident that I performed well but you can never be to sure.

Wish me luck and I will have more stories up in a little while. ^_^

Monday, October 12, 2009


Reoprts are now coming in that Kayne West may be entering into rehab. After the whole Taylor Swift Bshing incident Kayne feels that he's gone overboard. I guess we'll all have to wait a see if Kanye takes a big break wihich i think he should.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Summer of Death

I was really shocked by how many celebrities really died this summer. There was almost twenty deaths. I really hope that all of them found peace in death. Micheal Jackson was probably the most famous death this summer. I have to admit that when they said he died i didn't believe it at first. I mean people looked up to this man and loved him. It almost just seemed impossible. I felted really bad for his children. It's so sad that all three young ones now have to go on withouyt not only thier father but without a mother.I do believe that these children will be well taken care of by thier grandmother and family members.It's so sad that the man that helped and gave so much back to the world had to die, but i guess it was his time. I am really happy that Micheal will live on through the people who he touched. I kind of would like to know how other people feel about the deaths. I'm sure all of them affected everyone.

Please feel free to comments and give your respects for the dead.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Youth Violence

I believe that by now most people have heard about the teenage boy killed while on his way to school in Chicago. The young man how died was a honor student who was hit with a giant stick and the beaten on the ground by multiple assailants. He died a little while later after the incident. This story to me really shows how bad the world is. I mean people can barely walk out their doors anymore without somebody wanting to start something over nothing. Reports have been saying that the young man was asked to join a gang and refused, or was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way that’s scary. I mean the fact that a person is killed because they want to make something of themselves is so disappointing. The fact that he also had nothing to do with the beginnings of the large fight involving dozens of teenagers is a bad sign. I mean I don’t mind as much about what people do, it’s when it affects mine or anyone else life the problem starts.

Thank you readers and please feel free to comment and share with your friends.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


There is now so much speulation about this year i'm not sure what to think.I mean from the sun exploding, magnetic polls shifting and world war 3 it not looking to good. I myself do believe that something will happen because something happens every year. I’m very curious to hear what other people think about it though. The thoughts themselves about bad things happen do make sense. I mean everyone should notice by now that the world has totally just jumped into madness. People are killing each other right and left. Like all of the kidnapping, robbing, raping. It’s all just insane. I get the feeling that if an international catastrophe happens it’s going to be because of humans. It’s all very saddening to me. Well either way it’s always going to make my graduating class the most famous. The high school class of 2012.

I decided to try and do two stories/events on the weekend that is easier for me. Thanks for reading and please leave a comment!!!!!!! ^_^

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Racists. We all know about this problem in our world. I just don’t understand how people could take joy in condemning others for being themselves. Most people seem to think that racisms stops at blacks and whites, but in truth it doesn’t. People today base their hatred on all races, genders, sexual orientation, religions and more. It all just makes me want to throw up it’s that sickening. I mean how are you to some how thinking you’re better than someone else regardless of what you have or who you are? Reality check your not. All human beings no every creature on this planet is equal. I just think it so sad how some men view women as nothing more than sexual objects. The fact that women would even date men like that is ludicrous to me. I love women and treat all the ones I meet with the utmost respect. Another thing I notice at school on a daily and let me emphasize daily basis are the questions on people’s sexuality. I mean when are people ever going to grow up? It’s disgusting to me how some religious act towards gays. Condemning them to hell, treating them like some abomination or secondary person. Are you serious? I thought Christians were supposed to love people. I’m a Christian and this embarrasses me to no end, its total hypocrisy and racisms. A question for people: why would a loving and benevolent God send loving good people to hell for being gay? It’s so stupid how people think you shouldn’t be gay because you’ll go to hell. How are two men or women that love each other kissing, having sex, raising a family, getting married disgusting or weird? Heterosexual couples do all these things without and some how that makes them better? Wrong. I also dislike all the bickering that goes on between all the religions. Like I said before I’m religious but there is no reason that they should fight over who’s right on a subject. If they took the time to think maybe they’d find all of them have more in common than they believe. People need to love all the differences we share in our society. I would never want to live in a world were everyone and thing was the same. So before you mock or hate some think about the consequences of your words. You never no you may think yourself a saint only to really be a devil. Remember no ones born racist so it can be ended if people are willing to let it die.

I would really like to hear people’s opinion on this. I know this can become a touchy topic but I believe it really needs to be brought to light so it can be fixed. Thanks again and please feel free to comment!!!!! ^_^

Monday, October 5, 2009

Final Destination: Is it fantasy or a gruesome reality?

Final Destination is it real or is it just another series of teen slasher films? Some would say it total insanity to believe that death is stalking us from then moment we are born to the moment we die. In a way though isn’t it? I mean thousands of people are born and die in a day. Isn’t it possible that a force of some sort like a grim reaper has a plan for all of us? If death really does have a plan then what really happens when you cheat it. Does death simply let you go on perhaps without a real end? Or does death hunt down the cheaters putting them six feet under? I believe that recently many people remember the Air France Flight 447 crashed in the ocean. Johanna Ganthaler, a pensioner from Bolzano-Bozen province, had been on holiday in Brazil with her husband Kurt and missed Air France Flight 447 after turning up late at Rio de Janeiro airport on May 31. All 228 people aboard lost their lives after the plane crashed into the Atlantic four hours into its flight to Paris. It said that Ms Ganthaler died when their car veered across a road in Kufstein, Austria, and swerved into an oncoming truck. Her husband was seriously injured but did not die. Is this a sign that no one can cheat death or just a mere coincidence? Either way I’m sure most people will be quick to listen if a visionary pops up. Maybe though there are signs to our eventual fates and if we can read then, then maybe we can live a bit longer. Just be careful not to make death angry!!!!!!!! ^_^

I really like this story. I love the FD series and the thought of it in real life creeps me out. But feel free to tell me how you feel about it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Moon

Everyone who is a Twilight fan is already getting ready for it's sequel New Moon. People are already trying to buy tickets. I know most people have read the book series so they know what the whole films is about. I have not read the series yet but I have seen the first film. I thought the first movie was done really well so I kind of got into the series. I’m even going to audition for Breaking Dawn parts 1 and 2. I was kind of curious if any of the readers of the series don’t like the movies. I mean I knew there was that big Harry Potter up rise because they changed a scene in the Half Blood Prince. I plan to start reading the series around Christmas time and by then I’ll have seen two movies and can read all the books out which is four. I personally think each movie is going to be more successful than the last so no one should be worried. I really hope I get a part so I can meet all the cast members and maybe the author.

I’ll be putting more blogs up a day pretty soon. Enjoy and comment!!! ^_^

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yesterday was a very eventful day. Most Fridays are loved anyways because they symbolize the end of the week. This Friday for my school was extra crazy because of our school pep rally. Our school was going to be featured on Fox News or 11 Live. everyone was happy to have the pep rally because it cut everyone’s 2nd period which for me is math so lucky me. We had the pep rally and enjoyed it. Then after we briefly returned to 2nd period we made our way to 3rd. now I did tell everyone this was a special day so some people felt they had to make it extra special. Someone unknown reason someone on my long hall have started a fire. Most of the teachers didn’t believe but as soon as mine opened the door guess what comes in? Clouds of smoke were all over. As soon as people started to pile into the hallway there was smoke everywhere. I’m really not sure what some people would do in a situation like this. I mean I knew what I was going to do which was get as faraway as possible. Believe it or not our head principle actually wanted us to go back to our rooms. One of my friends actually saw the flames glowing in the bathroom. People are now saying a couple of different reasons for the fire. One we have many pot heads and smokers or the occasional prankster who lit his food on fire. All in all I really have to say that this was the most interesting of all the crazy things that happen at my school on a daily basis.

Sorry guys that I couldn’t post this yesterday.  I’ll put another one up today about my homecoming game a little later and maybe so recent news.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


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this is amazing>xbr/>

title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "> make a wish
make a wish

Justin Timberlake and Rihanna dating?

Lots of people on the worldwide web recently have been talking about superstars Rihanna and Justin Timberlake. When I first heard of this I was like wow someone’s about to have some beautiful and talented babies. All the gossip started after the MTV VMAs after. At the party Justin and Rihanna were seen dancing all over each other. Then if dirty dancing wasn’t enough they are reported going back to Rihannas’ hotel room. Gossip rag Star reported that they have been secretly talking and texting since that night. Star is even going so far as to they Rihanna asked if Justin was still dating Jessica Biel. Us magazine has said that Justin and Jessica have been broken up for a least a month now. Also Justin has been spending a lot of time in studio with are lovely Barbados native. Even more rumors say that Rihanna has been giving Mr. Timberlake lap dances. Other magazines are saying that Justin and Jessica are still together and were even seen leaving a dinner together. Now which of these story might you say I want to believe? Well I of course would have to go with Justin and Rihanna. In many peoples opinions on world wide these two would be perfect for each other. Unfortunately it looks like well just have to wait till we have some kissing photos pop up. The out come of Justin bring sexy back with Rihanna is an appealing one and I’m going to keep my fingers crossed.

What’s your opinion should Justin stay with Jessica? Get hot and heavy with Rihanna? Or just be single again? Then again he could always dance in another one of Beyonces’ music video like on SNL. You decide and let me know!!! ^_^