Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yesterday was a very eventful day. Most Fridays are loved anyways because they symbolize the end of the week. This Friday for my school was extra crazy because of our school pep rally. Our school was going to be featured on Fox News or 11 Live. everyone was happy to have the pep rally because it cut everyone’s 2nd period which for me is math so lucky me. We had the pep rally and enjoyed it. Then after we briefly returned to 2nd period we made our way to 3rd. now I did tell everyone this was a special day so some people felt they had to make it extra special. Someone unknown reason someone on my long hall have started a fire. Most of the teachers didn’t believe but as soon as mine opened the door guess what comes in? Clouds of smoke were all over. As soon as people started to pile into the hallway there was smoke everywhere. I’m really not sure what some people would do in a situation like this. I mean I knew what I was going to do which was get as faraway as possible. Believe it or not our head principle actually wanted us to go back to our rooms. One of my friends actually saw the flames glowing in the bathroom. People are now saying a couple of different reasons for the fire. One we have many pot heads and smokers or the occasional prankster who lit his food on fire. All in all I really have to say that this was the most interesting of all the crazy things that happen at my school on a daily basis.

Sorry guys that I couldn’t post this yesterday.  I’ll put another one up today about my homecoming game a little later and maybe so recent news.

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