Monday, October 5, 2009

Final Destination: Is it fantasy or a gruesome reality?

Final Destination is it real or is it just another series of teen slasher films? Some would say it total insanity to believe that death is stalking us from then moment we are born to the moment we die. In a way though isn’t it? I mean thousands of people are born and die in a day. Isn’t it possible that a force of some sort like a grim reaper has a plan for all of us? If death really does have a plan then what really happens when you cheat it. Does death simply let you go on perhaps without a real end? Or does death hunt down the cheaters putting them six feet under? I believe that recently many people remember the Air France Flight 447 crashed in the ocean. Johanna Ganthaler, a pensioner from Bolzano-Bozen province, had been on holiday in Brazil with her husband Kurt and missed Air France Flight 447 after turning up late at Rio de Janeiro airport on May 31. All 228 people aboard lost their lives after the plane crashed into the Atlantic four hours into its flight to Paris. It said that Ms Ganthaler died when their car veered across a road in Kufstein, Austria, and swerved into an oncoming truck. Her husband was seriously injured but did not die. Is this a sign that no one can cheat death or just a mere coincidence? Either way I’m sure most people will be quick to listen if a visionary pops up. Maybe though there are signs to our eventual fates and if we can read then, then maybe we can live a bit longer. Just be careful not to make death angry!!!!!!!! ^_^

I really like this story. I love the FD series and the thought of it in real life creeps me out. But feel free to tell me how you feel about it.

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